Psychology Students Learn about Prison Life
A Level Psychology students took part in an insightful ‘Life Behind Bars’ session at Cronton Sixth Form which challenged their ideas about prison and helped them to question whether it is the most effective place for the rehabilitation of criminals.
During the day the students had the opportunity to listen to ex criminals who had served time in prison for a variety of crimes. The visitors talked about why they turned to crime, what happened in court, their experience of prison and why some of them reoffended.
Psychology tutor Gemma Stephens said, “These workshops are a fantastic opportunity for our Psychology students and provides them with an insight in to the mind of a criminal. The final option of the Psychology A Level is based around applied Psychology, so having visiting speakers really brings the course to life!
“The extra workshops we offer students, such as ‘Life Behind Bars’ help them with their preparation and experience for their UCAS applications and raises their academic achievements and aspirations. This is demonstrated with so many Psychology students gaining high grades in 2019 and many being inspired to continue studying Psychology at university.”